1. Which of command is used to CLEAR the whole screen in GW Basic?

(a) CLS

(b) CLI

(c) GUI

(d) Null

Answer:  (a) CLS


2. Which program’s command show the whole program in GW Basic?

(a) LIST

(b) CLS

(c) CLI

(d) GUI

Answer:  (a) LIST


3. In GW Basic, which command transfers a program from secondary to storage medium to primary storage?

(a) LOAD

(b) LIST

(c) RUN

(d) CUI

Answer:  (a) LOAD


4.  Which statement allows us to assign values to number of variables in GW Basic?

(a) Data

(b) let

(c) GOTO

(d) CLS

Answer: (a) Data


5. In GW Basic, which of this is used to insert heading in a program?

(a) REM

(b) insert


(d) RAM

Answer:  (a) REM



6. Which of the following statement is not executed from by the computer in GW Basic?

(a) input

(b) locate

(c) REM

(d) RAM

Answer:  (c) REM



7. In GW Basic, which statement instruct computer to display result on monitor?

(a) input

(b) print

(c) locate

(d) REM

Answer:  (b) print



8. Which statement brings cursor to provided position in GW Basic?

(a) locate

(b) REM

(c) insert

(d) print

Answer:  (a) locate


9. In GW Basic, which statement is used to assign a value to a variable?

(a) end

(b) let

(c) locate

(d) print

Answer:  (b) let



10. Which of the following is optional statement in GW Basic?


(b) GOTO
(c) END

(d) Print

Answer:  (c) END


11. In GW Basic, which of the following is used with data?

(a) read

(b) data

(c) let

(d) print

Answer: (a) read



12. For GW Basic, which is the correct syntax for this-

(a) goto <line>

(b) goto <colum

(c) goto<constant

(d) CLS<print>

Answer:  (a) goto <line>



13. In GW Basic, which statement allows us to assign values to number of variables?

(a) Data

(b) let

(c) goto

(d) REM

Answer: (a) Data



14. In GW Basic, which of this is usually last statement of the program?

(a) end

(b) finish

(c) ok

(d) END

Answer: (a) end



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