1. In html _______ tag defines paragraph.

a) <p>

b) <para>

c) <table>

d) <section>

Ans. a


2. What is Default extension for a HTML document?

(a) .htm

(b) .html

(c) both a & b

(d) none of them

Ans. c


3. HTML tag begins with______ symbol.

(a) <

(b) >

(c) <! (

d) !>

Ans. a


4. HTML tag ends with _____symbol.

(a) <

(b) >

(c) <!

(d) !>

Ans. b

5. HTML comment begins with_____ symbol.

(a) <

(b) >

(c) <!

(d) !>

Ans. c


6. HTML comment ends with ______symbol.

(a) <

(b) >

(c) <! –

(d) -->

Ans. d


7. SGML stands for .

(a) Standard Grand Markup Language

(b) Synchronized Generalized Markup Language

(c) Standard Generalized Markup Language

(d) Simple Generalized Markup Language

Ans. c


8. DTD stands in markup language for_______.

(a) Document Type Definition

(b) Data Type Definition

(c) Digital Type Definition

(d) Design Type Definition

Ans. a


9. DDL stands for ______

(a) Data Description Library

(b) Data Description Language

(c) Data Description Liberty

(d) Data Description License

Ans. a


10. Most of the HTML tags have a corresponding closing tag, which begins with _____symbol.

(a) <! - -

(b) < /

(c) < :

(d) <&nbsp;

Ans. b


11. If a HTML tag does not have explicit closing tag, the tag may be closed with _____symbol instead of a simple >symbol.

(a) >

(b) : >

(c) />

(d) @ >

Ans. c


12. The title to be displayed at the top of the browser window or browser tab is enclosed in_____ .

(a) < HTML > ::: < =HTML >

(b) < HEAD > ::: < =HEAD >

(c) < TITLE > ::: < /T ITLE >

(d) < BODY > ::: < =BODY >

Ans. c


13. Paragraph is contained inside _______HTML tags.

(a) < p > ::: < /p >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. a


14. Elements to be centre aligned in browser display are enclosed inside _______HTML tags.

(a) < p > ::: < =p >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align = “center" > ::: < /div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. b


15. Elements to be left aligned in browser display are enclosed inside ______HTML tags.

(a) < div align = \justified" > ::: < =div >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = “left" > ::: < /div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. c


16. Elements to be right aligned in browser display are enclosed inside_____ HTML tags.

(a) < div align = \justified" > ::: < =div >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = “right" > ::: < /div >

Ans. d


17. Elements to be justified (aligned use with left and right edges) in browser display are enclosed inside_____ tags in HTML.

(a) < div align = “justified" > ::: < /div >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. a


18. _______ HTML tag displays an image in HTML page.

(a) < img src = “file name.jpg" >

(b) < tableborder = 1 > ::: < =table >

(c) < tableborder = 0 > ::: < =table >

(d) < ahref = \target:htm" > ::: < =a >

Ans. a


19. ______HTML tag displays a table without border.

(a) < img src = \file:jpg" >

(b) < tableborder = 1 > ::: < =table >

(c) < tableborder = 0 > ::: < /table >

(d) < ahref = \target:htm" > ::: < =a >

Ans. c


20. ______HTML tag creates a clickable hyper link for navigation inside the same page or between different pages.

(a) < img src = \file:jpg" >

(b) < tableborder = 1 > ::: < =table >

(c) < tableborder = 0 > ::: < =table >

(d) <a href = “target.htm" > ::: < /a >

Ans. d


21. _______HTML tag displays a table with border thickness of 1 pixel.

(a) < img src = \file:jpg" >

(b) < table border = 1 > ::: < /table >

(c) < table border = 0 > ::: < =table >

(d) < a href = \target:htm" > ::: < =a >

Ans. b


22. _____HTML tag can control fontface, size and colour.

(a) < font face = “Arial" size = “1" color = “red" > ::: < /font >

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 > (c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 > (d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. a


23. _______HTML tag displays headings of the largest size.

(a) < font face = \Arial" size = \+1"color =\red" > ::: < =font >

(b) < H1 > ::: < /H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 >

(d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. b


24. _____HTML tag displays headings of the second largest size.

(a) < H4 > ::: < =H4 >

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < /H2 >

(d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. C


25. ______HTML tag displays headings of the third largest size.

(a) < H4 > ::: < =H4 >

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 >

(d) < H3 > ::: < /H3 >

Ans. d


26. ______HTML tag displays headings of the smallest size.

(a) < H6 > ::: < /H6 >

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 >

(d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. a


27. In HTML, text size ______ represents the normal size of text.

(a) -4

(b) 0

(c) +4

(d) +8

Ans. b


28. In HTML5, font tag has been_______

(a) appreciated

(b) reinstated

(c) deprecated

(d) beautified

Ans. c


29. Colour can be specified using colour name (like red, gray, blue, cyan, magenta, etc.) or numeric value in _______ colour order.

(a) Red-Green-Blue

(b) Blue-Green-Red

(c) Green-Red-Blue

(d) Blue-Green-Blue

Ans. a


30. Colour code of #FF0000 stands for ______ colour.

(a) blue

(b) green

(c) red

(d) black

Ans. C


31. Colour code of #00FF00 stands for _______ colour.  

(a) blue

(b) green

(c) red

(d) black

Ans. b


32. Colour code of #0000FF stands for______ colour.

(a) blue

(b) green

(c) red

(d) black

Ans. a


33. Colour code of #000000 stands for _______ colour.

(a) blue

(b) green

(c) red

(d) black

Ans. d


34. Colour code of #FFFFFF stands for _______colour.

(a) white

(b) green

(c) red

(d) black

Ans. a


35. In HTML, the two digit color code value ranges from 00 to_____ in hexadecimal.

(a) AA

(b) 11

(c) FF

(d) CC

Ans. c


36. ______tag is used to display different HTML pages in a single window (not recommended for mobile viewing).

(a) font

(b) frameset

(c) table

(d) img

Ans. b


37. Width of elements like image, table, etc. can be controlled using ______attribute.

(a) width

(b) height

(c) length

(d) breadth

Ans. a


38. HTML is what type of language

a) Scripting language

b) Markup language

c) Programming language

d) Network protocol

Ans. b


39. Height of elements like image, table, etc. can be controlled using ______attribute.

(a) width

(b) height

(c) length

(d) breadth

Ans. b


40. Width and height value can be specified in _______or in pixels.

(a) metre

(b) kilometer

(c) percentage

(d) inches

Ans. c


41. ______HTML tag creates a break.

(a) < center > ::: < =center >

(b) < table > ::: < =table >

(c) < img width = \80%" src = \globe:jpg" >

(d) < br >

Ans. d


42. ______HTML tag displays an image named globle.jpg at 80% of the total width available in the browser.

(a) < center > ::: < =center >

(b) < table > ::: < =table >

(c) < img width = “80%" src = “globe.jpg" >

(d) < br= >

Ans. c


43. Scrolling text may be created using______ tag in HTML.

(a) < marquee > ::: < /marquee >

(b) < span > ::: < =span >

(c) < p > ::: < =p >

(d) < font > ::: < =font >

Ans. a


44. Text scrolling to left may be created using ______ tag in HTML.

(a) < marquee direction = “left" > ::: </marquee >

(b) < marquee direction = \right" > ::: <=marquee >

(c) < marquee direction = \up" > ::: <=marquee >

(d) < marquee direction = \down" > ::: <=marquee >

Ans. a


45. Text scrolling to right may be created using_______ tag in HTML.

(a) < marquee direction = \left" > ::: <=marquee >

(b) < marquee direction = “right" > ::: </marquee >

(c) < marquee direction = \up" > ::: <=marquee >

(d) < marquee direction = “down" > ::: </marquee >

Ans. b


46. Text scrolling upwards may be created using______ tag in HTML.

(a) < marquee direction = \left" > ::: <=marquee >

(b) < marquee direction = \right" > ::: <=marquee >

(c) < marquee direction = “up" > ::: </marquee >

(d) < marquee direction = \down" > ::: <=marquee >

Ans. c


47. Text scrolling downwards may be created using _____tag in HTML.

(a) < marquee direction = \left" > ::: <=marquee >

(b) < marquee direction = \right" > ::: <=marquee >

(c) < marquee direction = \up" > ::: <=marquee >

(d) < marquee direction = “down" > ::: </marquee >

Ans. d


48. ______tag in HTML creates a clickable hyperlink.

(a) < p > ::: < =p > (b) < img src = \globe:png" >

(c) < table border = 1 > ::: < =table >

(d) < a href = “page.html" > ::: < /a >

Ans. d


49. _______HTML tag displays a table without border.

(a) < tr > ::: < =tr >

(b) < th > ::: < =th >

(c) < table border = 1 > ::: < =table >

(d) < table border = 0 > ::: < /table >

Ans. d


50. _______HTML tag displays a table with border thickness of 1 pixel.

(a) < tr > ::: < =tr >

(b) < th > ::: < =th >

(c) < table border = 1 > ::: < /table >

(d) < table border = 0 > ::: < =table >

Ans. c


51. ______HTML tag is used to mark header column for a table.

(a) < tr > ::: < =tr >

(b) < th > ::: < /th >

(c) < table border = 1 > ::: < =table >

(d) < table border = 0 > ::: < =table >

Ans. b


52. ______ HTML tag is used to mark a row for a table.

(a) < tr > ::: < /tr >

(b) < th > ::: < =th >

(c) < table border = 1 > ::: < =table >

(d) < table border = 0 > ::: < =table >

Ans. a


53. ______HTML tag is used to mark a column inside a row.

(a) < td > ::: < /td >

(b) < th > ::: < =th >

(c) < table border = 1 > ::: < =table >

(d) < table border = 0 > ::: < =table >

Ans. a



54. Among the following options, ______ HTML tag merges 3 columns to create a large column.

(a) < tr > ::: < =tr > (b) < td > ::: < =td >

(c) < td colspan = 3 > ::: < /td >

(d) < td rowspan = 4 > ::: < =td >

Ans. c


55. Among the following options, ______HTML tag merges 4 rows to create a large row.

(a) < tr > ::: < =tr >

(b) < td > ::: < =td >

(c) < td colspan = 3 > ::: < =td >

(d) < td rowspan = 4 > ::: < /td > Ans. d 56. ______ creates an ordered list.

(a) < ul > ::: < =ul >

(b) < ol > ::: < /ol >

(c) < li > ::: < =li >

(d) none of them

Ans. b


57. ______ creates an unordered list.

(a) < ul > ::: < /ul >

(b) < ol > ::: < =ol >

(c) < li > ::: < =li >

(d) none of them

Ans. a


58. ________ declares a list item which may be part of ordered list or unordered list.

(a) < ul > ::: < =ul >

(b) < ol > ::: < =ol >

(c) < li > ::: < /li >

(d) none of them

Ans. c


59. HTML form controls commonly use_____ tag for taking form input.

(a) < input >

(b) < table > ::: < =table >

(c) < img >

(d) < form > ::: < =form >

Ans. a


60. HTML form is contained inside_____ tag.

(a) < input >

(b) < form > ::: < /form >

(c) < img >

(d) < form > ::: < =form >

Ans. b


61. Input tag in HTML supports ______attribute.

(a) type

(b) value

(c) name/ID

(d) all of them

Ans. d


62. To display a button in HTML form, _____attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) button

(b) checkbox

(c) color

(d) date

Ans. a

63. To display a checkbox in HTML form, _______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) button

(b) checkbox

(c) color

(d) date

Ans. b


64. To display a colour selection input in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) button

(b) checkbox

(c) color

(d) date

Ans. c


65. To display a date input in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) button

(b) checkbox

(c) color

(d) date

Ans. d


66. To display a date and time input in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) button

(b) checkbox

(c) color

(d) datetime

Ans. d

67. To display a field for email input in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) email

(b) file

(c) hidden

(d) image

Ans. a


68. To display a file input dialog in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) email

(b) file

(c) hidden

(d) image

Ans. b


69. To create a hidden field in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) email

(b) file

(c) hidden

(d) image

Ans. c


70. To create an image selection tool in HTML form, _____attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) email

(b) file

(c) hidden

(d) image

Ans. d


71. To create month selection field in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) month

(b) number

(c) password

(d) radio

Ans. a


72. To create number input field in HTML form, _____ attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) month

(b) number

(c) password

(d) radio

Ans. b


73. To create password input field in HTML form, ____attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) month

(b) number

(c) password

(d) radio

Ans. c


74. To create radio button input field in HTML form, _____attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) month

(b) number

(c) password

(d) radio

Ans. d


75. To create an input field to display numbers with specific start, end and step values in HTML form, ______ attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) range

(b) reset

(c) search

(d) tel

Ans. a


76. To create an input field to reset all input elements of a form in HTML form, _____ attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) range

(b) reset

(c) search

(d) tel

Ans. b


77. To create search field (behviour depends upon server implementation) in HTML form, ______attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) range

(b) reset

(c) search

(d) tel

Ans. c


78. To create field for telephone number input in HTML form, _____ attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) range

(b) reset

(c) search

(d) tel

Ans. d


79. To create a field for submitting the contents of HTML form to the server, ______ attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) submit

(b) text

(c) time

(d) url

Ans. a

80. To create a text input field in HTML, _____ attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) submit

(b) text

(c) time

(d) url

Ans. b


81. To create a time input in HTML, _____attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) submit

(b) text

(c) time

(d) url

Ans. c


82. To create a field for taking a web address in HTML, _____ attribute is used in the input tag.

(a) submit

(b) text

(c) time

(d) url

Ans. d


83.What is the first tag in html document?





Ans. a


84.Which html tag inserts a line horizontally in a page?





Ans. c


85.What are the two main parts, available in html document?

A)Title and Body B)Head and title

C)Head and Body

D)Head and document

Ans. c


86.Which character in html is used to indicate end tag?


B) /



Ans. b


87. Which symbols starts with html comments?





Ans. a


88.Which attribute is used with <td> tag to merge two cells horizontally?

A)Colspan = 2

B)Rowspan = 2



Ans. a


89.Which tag creates a checkbox for a form in html?

A. <check box>

B. <input check box>

C. <input = check box>

D. <input type = “check box”>

Ans. d


90.Which html tag is used to add a row in a table?

A. <tr> and </tr>

B. <cr> and </cr>

C. <th> and </th>

D. <td> and </td>

Ans. a


91.Which html tag is used to divide a row into data cells?

A. <tr> and </tr>

B. <cr> and </cr>

C. <th> and </th>

D. <td> and </td>

Ans. d


92.Which is the correct syntax for adding alternate text for image, if the image cannot be displayed?

A. <img src = “boat.gif” alt = “big boat”>

B. <img src = “boat.gif” alt text = “big boat”/>

C. <img src = “boat.gif” alternate = “big boat”/>

D. <img src = “boat.gif” alternate text = “big boat”/>

Ans. a


93.Which is the correct H1 tag for right alignment?

A. <h1 align = “right”>.....</h1>

B. <h1 tag align = “right”>.....</h1> C <h1 align = “r”>.....</h1>

D. <h1 alignment = “right”>.....</h1>

Ans. a


94.What is the correct syntax for making a hyperlink? A <http: // “”</a>

B. <url = “https: //”>heetson

C. <a href = “https://”>heetson</a>

D. <a ref = “https://”>heetosn</a>

Ans. c


95.Which is the correct tag for adding iframe in html?

A. <iframe></iframe>

B. <iframe =”https://”></iframe>

C. <iframe src = “”></iframe>

D. <iframe href = “https://”></iframe>

Ans. c


96.what is the correct html tag for adding a background color?

A. <body color = “Yellow”>

B. <body bgcolor = “Yellow”> C <body background = “Yellow”>

D. <body bg = “Yellow”>

Ans. b


97.How do you add a link which will allow the visitor to send an email from the page?

A. <a href = “mailto : youradderss”>

B. <a href = “sendmailtoyour address”>

C. <a=”mailto”>

D. <href = “mailto”>

Ans. a


98.What will happen, If the background image is smaller than the screen, what will happen?

A. It will be stretched

B. It will leave a blank space at the bottom of the page

C. It will leave a blank space at the top of the page

D. It will be repeated

Ans. d


99.which is the correct html tag for making a text input field?

A. <text type = “Text”>

B. <input type = “text”>

C. <input type = “textfield”>

D. <input type = “textbox”>

Ans. b


100.Which is the correct html tag for creating password field?

A. <text type = “password”>

B .<input type = “pwd”>

C. <input type = “password”>

D. <input type = “passcode”>

Ans. c


101.What is the correct html code for inserting a background image?

A. <Body background = “image jpg”>

B. <body = “image.jpg”>

C. <background = “image.jpg”>

D. <body background = image.jpg>

Ans. a


102.Which option will match, while making bulleted list?

A. Square, disc, polygon

B. triangle, disc, circle

C. triangle, square, circle

D. disc, circle, square

Ans. d


103.What is the meaning of increase the cell padding?

A. Increase the thickness of table border

B. Increase the space between cells

C. Increase the distance between cell and content

D. Increase the no of cells

Ans. c


104. Which property of cells will how many rows a cell should span?

A. Colspan = 5

B. Rowspan = 5

C. Cellspan = 5

D. Span = 5

Ans. b


105.Which web language give more control over the HTML elements and allows them to change at any time without returning to the Web server?





Ans. d


106. <a> tag in HTML

a) Alters a hyperlink

b) Defines a hyperlink

c) Deletes a hyperlink

d) Accuses a hyperlink

Ans. b


107. Which tag defines value of a term in description list?

a) <a>

b) <val>

c) <del>

d) <dd>

Ans. d


108. A control‟s ______ is given by its name attribute.

a) Control name

b) Area

c) Sphere

d) Quotation

Ans. a


109. There are how many types of HTML controls?

a) 8

b) 7

c) 4

d) 5

Ans. b


110. In DHTML what does D stand for?

a) Down

b) Drain

c) Dead

d) Dynamic

Ans. d


111. What is the full form of DHTML?

a) Digital Host markup language

b) Dynamic hypertext markup language

c) Digital higher text markup language

d) Dynamic higher markup language

Ans. b


112. From which tag descriptive list starts

a) <LL>

b) <dd>

c) <DL>

d) <DS>

Ans. c


113. The attribute of <form> tag

a) Method

b) Action

c) Both A and B

d) None of these

Ans. c


114. What are empty elements and is it valid?

a) No, there is no such terms as empty elements

b) Empty elements are elements with no data

c) No, it is not valid to use empty element

d) None of these

Ans. b


115. Which of the following attributes of text box control allow to limit the maximum character?

a) size

b) len

c) maxlength

d) All of these

Ans. c


116. HTML is a subset of




d) None of these

Ans. b


117. Which of the following is a container tag?

a) <select>

b) <body>

c) <input>

d) Both A and B

Ans. d


118. The attribute, which define the relationship between current document and HREF URL is

a) REL

b) URL

c) REV

d) All of these

Ans. a

119. <DT> tag is designed to fit a single line of our web page but <DD> tag will accept a

a) line of text

b) full paragraph

c) word

d) request

Ans. b


120. Character encoding is

a) method used to represent numbers in a character

b) method used to represent character in a number

c) a system that consists of a code which pairs each character with a pattern, sequence of natural numbers of electrical pulse in order to transmit the data

d) none of these

Ans. c


121. Correct HTML to left align the content inside a table cell is

a) <tdleft>

b) <td raligh = “left”>

c) <td align = “left”>

d) <td leftalign>

Ans. c


122. The tag which allows you to rest other html tags within the description is

a) <th>

b) <td>

c) <tr>

d) <caption>

Ans. d


123. <base> tag is designed to appear only between

a) <head>

b) <title>

c) <body>

d) <form>

Ans. a


124. How can you open a link in a new browser window?

a) <a href =”url” target=”new”>

b) <a href= “url” target=”_blank”>

c) <a href =”url” .new>

d) <a href =”url” target=”open”>

Ans. b


125. What is the use of forms in HTML?

A. To display a table

B .To display a list

C. To send the data to server

D. To display email contents

Ans. c


126. The latest HTML standard is

a) XML


c) HTML 4.0

d) HTML 5.0

Ans. d


127. The tag used to create hypertext relationship between current document and another URL is


b) <A>

c) <LINK>

d) None of these

Ans. c


128. The text inside the <text area> tag works like

a) <p> formatted text

b) <T> formatted text

c) <PRE> formatted text

d) None of these

Ans. c


129. Main container for <TR> , <TD> and <TH> is

a) <Table>

b) <Group>

c) <data>

d) All of these

Ans. a


130. The body tag usually used after

a) Title tag

b) head tag

c) EM tag

d) Form tag

Ans. b


131. Symbol used at the beginning of the HREF text is

a) #

b) $

c) &

d) ^

Ans. a


132. Which of the following is a valid Name?

a) <_person>

b) <123 person>

c) Both A and B

d) None of these

Ans. a


133. Who is making the web standard?

a) The world wide web consortium

b) Mozilla

c) Google

d) Microsoft

Ans. a


134. Choose the correct HTML element to define important text

a) <br>

b) <strong>

c) <i>

d) <important>

Ans. b


135. Choose the correct HTML element to define emphasized text

a) <em>

b) <italic>

c) <i>

d) <b>

Ans. a


136. Which doctype is correct for HTML5?

a) <!DOCTYPE html>



d) <!doctype html5.0>

Ans. a


137. Which html element is used to specify a footer for a document or section?

a) <footer>

b) <section>

c) <bottom>

d) <head>

Ans. a


138. What is the correct html element for playing video files?

a) <video>

b) <media>

c) <movie>

d) <mp4>

Ans. a



139. What is the correct HTML element for playing audio files?

a) <audio>

b) <sound>

c) <mp3>


Ans. a



140. The HTML global attribute, “contenteditable” is used to:

a) Specify whether the content of an element should be editable or not

b) Return the position of the first found occurrence of content inside a string

c) Update content from the server

d) Specifies a context menu for an element

Ans. a


141. In HTML, onblur and onfocus are:

a) Event attributes

b) html elements

c) style attributes

d) blur image

Ans. a


142. The HTML <canvas> element is used to:

a) draw graphics

b) create draggable elements

c) manipulate data in MySQL

d) display database records

Ans. a


143. In HTML, which attribute is used to specify that an input field must be filled out?

a) formvalidate

b) validate

c) required

d) placeholder

Ans. c

144. Which input type defines a slider control?

a) range

b) slider

c) search

d) controls

Ans. a


145. Which HTML element is used to display a scalar measurement within a rang?

a) <measure>

b) <range>

c) <gauge>

d) <meter>

Ans. d


146. Which HTML element defines navigation links?

a) <nav>

b) <navigation>

c) <navigate>

d) <direction>

Ans. a


147. In HTML, what does the <aside> element define?

a) Content aside from the page content

b) The ASCII character-set; to send information between computers on the internet

c) A navigation list to be shown at the left side of the page

d) All of these

Ans. a


148. HTML uses

a) User defined tags

b) Pre-specified tags

c) Fixed tags defined by the language

d) Tags only for linking

Ans. c


149. The year in which HTML was developed in _____

a) 1990

b) 1980

c) 2000

d) 1995

Ans. a


150. Fundamental HTML Block is known as _____

a) HTML body

b) HTML tag

c) HTML Attribute

d) HTML Element

Ans. b


151. Apart from <b> tag, what other tag may text bold?

a) <fat>

b) <strong>

c) <black>

d) <emp>

Ans. b


152. HTML web pages can be read and rendered by______

a) Compiler

b) Server

c) Web Browser

d) Interpreter

Ans. c


153. Tags and texts that are not directly displayed on the page are written in ______ section.

a) <head>

b) <title>

c) <body>

d) <html>

Ans. a


154. Which of the following is not an attribute of <form> tag

a) action

b) method

c) name

d) url

Ans. d


155. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic

a) &it;italic>

b) &it;it>

c) &lt;i>

d) &lt;il>

Ans. c


156. To start a list using circles, use

a) &lt;ul type= “circle”>

b) &lt;ul Type= “round”

c) &lt;ul = “round”>

d) &lt;ul “round”>

Ans. d


157. HTML was created by _____.

(a) Brian Kernighan

(b) Tim Berners-Lee

(c) Dennis Ritchie

(d) James Gosling

Ans. B


158. Which HTML Tag is used to define a client-side script such as the javaScript?

a) &lt;unscript>

b) &lt;script>

c) Both A and B

d) None of these

Ans. b


159. Which html attribute is used to provide an advisory text about an element or its contents.

a) Dir

b) Title

c) Tooltip

d) None of these

Ans. C


160. “.htm or .html” is extension of______.

a) Web page source text

b) image

c) video

d) pc application

Ans. a


161. Which are the Objects Used for storing Data on the client provided by The HTML Local Storage?

 a) Window.localStorage

b) Windows.sessionStorage

c) Window.localSession

d) Both A and B

Ans. d


162. Which HTML Element is used to define the description data?

a) <dt>

b) <dd>

c) <li>

d) <dl>

Ans. b


163. Which of the following is a Declaration for an HTML Document?

a) <html>…..</html>

b) <!DOCTYPE html>

c) <body>..</body>

d) <p>….</p>

Ans. b


164. If you want to change the text colour to Red which of the following Tags will you use?

a) <body text =Red>

b) <body Bgcolor=Red>

c) <body Colour = Red>

d) None of these

Ans. a


165. HTML links are Defined with <a> Tag Address Is Specified By Attribute

a) Href

b) Hlink

c) Src

d) src-link

Ans. a


166. The first tag inside <Table> tag is

a) <head>

b) <caption>

c) <th>

d) <td>

Ans. b


167. Which program do you need to write HTML?

a) A graphics program

b) Any text editor

c) HTML development suite 4

d) All of these

 Ans. b


168. In HTML, tags that include both on and off tag are called

a) comment tag

b) document tag

c) container tag

d) None of these

Ans. c


169. Which of the following is underline tag?

a) <pre>

b) <ul>

c) <u>

d) <hr>

Ans. c


170. Which tag can set the background color for your page?

a) <body>

b) <font>

c) <head>

d) <title>

Ans. a


171. HTML tags are surrounded by which type of brackets?

a) Curly

b) Round

c) Squart

d) Angle

Ans. d


172. To start a list using circles, use

a) <ul “round”>

b) <ul type = “circle”>

c) <ul type= “round”>

d) <ul = “round”>

Ans. b


173. The tag which allows some web server search engines to search your web page

a) <search>


c) <HEAD>

d) <link>

Ans. b


174. The special formatting tag is

a) <p>

b) <tt>

c) <pre>

d) None of these

Ans. c


175. Which of the following will not be found in the <head> section?

a) <table>

b) <Metatags>

c) <Title>

d) None of these

Ans. a


176. If you create an HTML page in word processor

a) save it with binary file

b) save it with WMF file

c) save it with ASCII text file

d) All of these

Ans. c


177. What will be the added by using <td> and </td> tag?

a) rows

b) steps

c) cell

d) columns

Ans. d


178. Which property tells how many rows a cell should span?

a) colspan=n

b) rowspan=n

c) Both A and B

d) None of these

Ans. b


179. To set the font for a single link, where do you add the <font></font> tags?

a) In the <head> tag

b) Outside the <a> and </a> tags

c) Inside the <a> and </a> tags

d) None of these

Ans. c


180. which tag tells where a link starts?

a) <a>

b) <i>

c) <body>

d) none of these

Ans. a


181. What is the use of <iframe> tag in html?

a) Display a webpage inside a web page.

b) To make a photo frame

c) To make a photo border

d) To make an image clickable

Ans. a


182. The attribute used choose the type of font in HTML is?

a) Character

b) Face

c) Text-type

d) All of these

Ans. b


183. To start a list at the count of 3, use

a) <ol begin= “3”>

b) <ol list= “3”>

c) <ol start= “3”>

d) <ol num= “3”>

Ans. c


184. To change the size of an image in HTML, use

a) Pliers

b) Bigger and smaller

c) Top and Bottom

d) Height and width

Ans. d


185. All HTML documents will be basically

a) Graphs

b) Text

c) Pictures

d) None of these

Ans. b


186. Which of these is not a valid HTML?

a) <fontface= “verdana”>

b) <font face= “verdana”>

c) <font face = “verdant, arial”>

d) All of these

Ans. a


187. To create a list using lowercase letters, use

 a) <ol “a”>

b) <ol = “a”>

c) <ol letter=”a”>

 d) <ol type = “a”>

 Ans. D



 188. Defining clickable subareas on an image is called

 a) image linking

 b) multiple mapping

c) image mapping

d) none of these

 Ans. c


189. The HTML tags are ______

 a) in lower case

 b) in upper case

 c) case sensitive

 d) not case sensitive

 Ans. D


 190. When images are used as links they get a blue border

. a) Always

 b) Never

 c) Unless border is set to zero

d) none of these

Ans. c


191. To start a numbered list with regular numerals, use

a) <ul type= “1”>

 b) <ol type= “a”>

c) <ol typ

d) <ol type= “1”>

Ans. D


 192. The format of the <base> tag is

 a) <href = “ URL”> b) <base = “URL”>

c) <base URL =>

 d) <base href = “>

 Ans. D


 193. The default value of Border attribute is

 a) 1 pixel

b) 2 pixel

 c) pixel

 d) 4 pixel

 Ans. A


 194. To set the color for table borders, use____

 a) bgcolor= #003300

 b) bgimage= #112233

 c) bordercolor= #112233

 d) tablecolor= # 003344

 Ans. C


195. All normal webpages consists of

 a) Top and bottom

 b) Body and frameset

c) Head and Body

d) None of these

Ans. c


196. The most basic element of any html page is

 a) ASCII text

 b) text

 c) BCD text

 d) None of these

 Ans. a


197. To separate single list, use

 a) <ol> and </ol>

 b) <ul> and </ul>

 c) <li> and </li>

 d) All of these

 Ans. c


198. HTML is simple than

 a) SGML

 b) CTML

 c) STML

 d) None of these

 Ans. A


 199. Why should you specify a background color if you are using an image for the actual background of your page?

 a) So the text shown up better

 b) In case the image doesn‟t fit right

 c) The background color will be shown until the image loads

 d) None of these

 Ans. C


200. Which attribute is used to name an element uniquely?

 a) class

 b) id

 c) dot

 d) all of these

 Ans. b


201. Marquee is a tag in HTML to

 a) Display text with scrolling effect

 b) Mark the list of items to maintain inqueue

 c) Mark the text so that it is hidden in browser

 d) Display text with strikeout effect

 Ans. A


 202.The top portion of a HTML document containing many meta items and script functions is called

 (a) < HTML > ::: < /HTML >

 (b) < HEAD > ::: < /HEAD >

 (c) < TITLE > ::: < /T ITLE >

(d) < BODY > ::: < /BODY >

 Ans. B

 203. The main portion of a HTML document is contained between____ tags.

 (a) < HTML > ::: < /HTML >

 (b) < HEAD > ::: < /HEAD >

 (c) < TITLE > ::: < /T ITLE >

 (d) < BODY > ::: < /BODY >

 Ans. D


204. What is the full form of HTML?

 a) Hyper text markup language

 b) Higher text markup language

 c) Higher text machine language

 d) hyper text machine language

Ans. a


205. XHTML stands for

 a) Extensible Hypertext markup language

 b) Extensible hypertext marking language

c) Extensible hypertext marking line

d) None of these

Ans. A


206. What is the role of charset attribute?

 It specifies

a) a scheme to be used to interpret the value of the content attribute

 b) a name for the metadata

c) the character encoding for the HTML document

d) none of these

Ans. C


 207. HTML document is contained inside a set of______ tags.

 (a) < HTML > ::: < /HTML >

 (b) < HEAD > ::: < =HEAD >

(c) < TITLE > ::: < =T ITLE >

 (d) < BODY > ::: < =BODY >

 Ans. a


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